Friday, July 1, 2011


Random thought for the day:
So, I was on Facebook checking out my newsfeed like normal and see that someone is totally pregnant. I don't really talk to the person, like most of the people I have on my list, but I was still shocked to see that she was basically due within the next couple months and I just found out now. Anywho, that got me to thinking how crazy it would be to be a guy and see that a girl you didn't for like a year or whatever is now pregnant. In all honesty, I would be like whee and be relieved that it wasn't me at this age. Not that I have anything wrong with people that have kids at a young age, it is just not for me. I am very, very self-centered and can not imagine have a child until I am older. This was all just a random thought that I had today, I have many everyday. :)
Oh, I'm also going to start leaving a "tag line" (I think that's the word for it :/) at the end of my posts...I've got the idea from a video that Cody watches. It's a Russian guy who talks about guns and at the end of ALL his videos he says in his Russian accent, "And as always have nice day," and I totally want to do something like I am. haha

And as always, love the little things in life.

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