Saturday, July 16, 2011

Concert Review

Last night I went to see the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus at Mojoes in Joliet. They had four opening bands: The ExoSkeleton, a band I didn't catch the name of, Heart-Set Self-Destruct, and Static Cycle. I feel I can't give an honest description of how they were because the sound at the venue was not the best. The instruments way outplayed the vocals to the point where you couldn't hear them at all and at points the music just sounded like a mass of noise. It wasn't the best. I think the bands would have been a hell of a lot better with a better sound system.  With that said, the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus were good. Again, the sound wasn't the best but they had great stage presence.  Ronnie and Jon were constantly talking to the crowd between songs. It was very cool how they connected with the audience. The opening acts also interacted with the audience, only it was hard to hear them because they constantly had drums or guitar going in the background so their voices were drowned out. :/  I would love to see the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus again, just not at that venue again. I've added a photo I took...I know it's not the best but it's better than nothing. :)

For now, I'm hoping to get decent tickets the Rockstar's Uproar concert at the First Midwest Amphitheater. Avenged Sevenfold, Three Days Grace, Seether, Escape the Fate, and others are playing. I really want to see Three Days Grace again! I saw them at the Riveria in April, I believe, and they were phenomenal.  Awesome stage presence and connection with the audience..not to mention amazing music! 

That's all for now.
And as always, love the little things in life.


  1. Im glad you had an awesome time! WOOT RJA!

  2. Also....If you need someone to go to uproar with you...let me know! I will totally go! LOL

  3. My brother wants to go, but we want like actual seats...which are a bit pricey. lol If we do decide to go, I'll let you know for sure!! :)
