Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Random Thought of the Day:
We had a bad storm yesterday and lost power. It was only for about ten hours, but it felt like much longer. Granted, I slept for about four of those hours, it was still quite a long time for me to be without power. I realized how dependent I am on electricity. I found myself with nothing to do and freaked out because I couldn't access the internet. Although, in my own defense I only freaked out because I'm taking online classes and had a test due that day. In case you were wondering, I was able to get online and access my study notes so that I was able to take the test later that day and I did well on it. :)
Anyway, I just wanted to express my thoughts on how much we all rely on technology and electricity. Yes, it's very nice when it's like 100 degrees outside and you can use fans and air conditioning. The rest, though, do we really need on a daily basis? Not for entertainment no maybe for a job or school yes.
I also freaked out, because I have a lizard, who needs electricity for his lights. Well, I didn't know what to do for the little guy. Cody's mom was able to find Hot Hands for me, which I was very grateful for. I put those in his tank and covered it in towels to try to keep the temperature up. I felt so bad, it was so dark in his tank..he was very confused. Poor guy :(
Well that's my rant for the day.
And as always, love the little things in life.

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