Sunday, July 10, 2011

Growing Up

Random thought for the day:
So I've been watching the Harry Potter movies this weekend because it was Harry Potter weekend on ABC Family and the new and final book comes out this Friday.  It makes me really sad for two reasons: 1. I truly enjoy this series. I enjoyed the books very much and I really enjoyed the movies and it's sad to see something you looked forward to end. 2. Harry Potter has been apart of my life for about a decade. Much like the actors and actresses themselves I grew up with Harry Potter and it's sad because it's over. This chapter in my life is closing and the only way it's going to open again is if I choose to reopen it by watching the movies or reading the books.
I know everything ends eventually, it's just a sad moment. I realize now that I'm going to be twenty this less then two months! I will no longer be a teenager and honestly, it's scary. I'm afraid to grow up. I've always been ashamed to admit this because it's something silly to be afraid of. I'm afraid of what comes with growing up, not the actual act of growing up. I'm afraid of the responsibilities, getting a career, creating a family, moving out, etc. It all freaks me out. I take it day by day and most days I can convince myself that everything is going to be okay, but I do have days where I freak out and don't know if I can handle growing up. I know I will, because obviously I have no choice. ;)
Anyway, this "random thought" all came to me because with Harry Potter ending and all those actors and actresses moving on to bigger and better things I realize that it's my time to move on as well to bigger and better things. 
I hope you enjoyed my little rant and if you feel the same way I do know you're not alone. I feel alone a lot because it doesn't seem like a common thought but I know more people feel this way. So I'll come out and express my worries and hopefully you can be comforted by them. :)


  1. I understand where you are coming from! Lately I have been scared of growing up too. Especially the moving out part. I want to make sure I have my life in order and I'm doing something that I enjoy doing. My motto lately is Work to live not Live to work.

  2. I'm glad I'm not alone! haha I know I want to make sure everything in my life is in order..I'm such a worrier and a perfectionist I just can't help it. Great motto, I just want to be happy. If I'm happy then everything's good :)
