Saturday, July 16, 2011

Concert Review

Last night I went to see the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus at Mojoes in Joliet. They had four opening bands: The ExoSkeleton, a band I didn't catch the name of, Heart-Set Self-Destruct, and Static Cycle. I feel I can't give an honest description of how they were because the sound at the venue was not the best. The instruments way outplayed the vocals to the point where you couldn't hear them at all and at points the music just sounded like a mass of noise. It wasn't the best. I think the bands would have been a hell of a lot better with a better sound system.  With that said, the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus were good. Again, the sound wasn't the best but they had great stage presence.  Ronnie and Jon were constantly talking to the crowd between songs. It was very cool how they connected with the audience. The opening acts also interacted with the audience, only it was hard to hear them because they constantly had drums or guitar going in the background so their voices were drowned out. :/  I would love to see the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus again, just not at that venue again. I've added a photo I took...I know it's not the best but it's better than nothing. :)

For now, I'm hoping to get decent tickets the Rockstar's Uproar concert at the First Midwest Amphitheater. Avenged Sevenfold, Three Days Grace, Seether, Escape the Fate, and others are playing. I really want to see Three Days Grace again! I saw them at the Riveria in April, I believe, and they were phenomenal.  Awesome stage presence and connection with the audience..not to mention amazing music! 

That's all for now.
And as always, love the little things in life.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


So I took a Chemistry class at Moraine over the summer and it was equivalent to Chem 112 at UIC. In order for me to move on to Chem 114 at UIC, I have to take the Chemistry placement test again and test into it as well as getting at least a C in the Chemistry class at Moraine. So I got an A in the Chem class and was going to take the placement test today at UIC.  I go online to double check the date, for some reason I don't know what made me double check it but I'm glad I did! It turns out it didn't say July 14th, it said JUNE 14th! I had misread it...multiple times! I feel like such an idiot. Now I have to wait until August 17th to take the test....five days before the semester begins! I have no idea what I'm going to do if I don't get into this class. I plan on studying chemistry until I take the test, just to keep my skills up! Gah, I'm just so mad at myself and feel soo stupid! :(

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Poor Computer

So I recently bought an external hard drive for my laptop and it arrived today! yay :) I decided to buy it because I have a fear that my laptop just won't turn on one day and I will lose everything. This happened with my last laptop, so my fear is justified. I got the hard drive and put all my documents, music, and photos on it today and later my computer tells me that my battery health is in a "low" state and needs to be replaced. Now, I don't know much about computers or the internal parts so I freaked out a little. I didn't know how to replace a laptop battery, where to get one, or anything. Cody just laughs at me. I seriously thought I would have to take my laptop to somebody to get it fixed. Thankfully, after about a half hour of diligent research I learn it's a super easy fix! Yay me! :D

I was so worried, but managed to make a joke out it. I'm like wouldn't it be ironic if I get my external hard drive for the reason that I can have my files if my computer breaks and then my computer "breaks" later that day?! Luckily, the joke wasn't true and it's as easy as popping out the old battery and putting in the new one. Just thought I'd put this out there for all you computer and tech savvy people who might get a nice chuckle out of this. ;)

And as always, love the little things in life.


Random Thought of the Day:
We had a bad storm yesterday and lost power. It was only for about ten hours, but it felt like much longer. Granted, I slept for about four of those hours, it was still quite a long time for me to be without power. I realized how dependent I am on electricity. I found myself with nothing to do and freaked out because I couldn't access the internet. Although, in my own defense I only freaked out because I'm taking online classes and had a test due that day. In case you were wondering, I was able to get online and access my study notes so that I was able to take the test later that day and I did well on it. :)
Anyway, I just wanted to express my thoughts on how much we all rely on technology and electricity. Yes, it's very nice when it's like 100 degrees outside and you can use fans and air conditioning. The rest, though, do we really need on a daily basis? Not for entertainment no maybe for a job or school yes.
I also freaked out, because I have a lizard, who needs electricity for his lights. Well, I didn't know what to do for the little guy. Cody's mom was able to find Hot Hands for me, which I was very grateful for. I put those in his tank and covered it in towels to try to keep the temperature up. I felt so bad, it was so dark in his tank..he was very confused. Poor guy :(
Well that's my rant for the day.
And as always, love the little things in life.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Growing Up

Random thought for the day:
So I've been watching the Harry Potter movies this weekend because it was Harry Potter weekend on ABC Family and the new and final book comes out this Friday.  It makes me really sad for two reasons: 1. I truly enjoy this series. I enjoyed the books very much and I really enjoyed the movies and it's sad to see something you looked forward to end. 2. Harry Potter has been apart of my life for about a decade. Much like the actors and actresses themselves I grew up with Harry Potter and it's sad because it's over. This chapter in my life is closing and the only way it's going to open again is if I choose to reopen it by watching the movies or reading the books.
I know everything ends eventually, it's just a sad moment. I realize now that I'm going to be twenty this less then two months! I will no longer be a teenager and honestly, it's scary. I'm afraid to grow up. I've always been ashamed to admit this because it's something silly to be afraid of. I'm afraid of what comes with growing up, not the actual act of growing up. I'm afraid of the responsibilities, getting a career, creating a family, moving out, etc. It all freaks me out. I take it day by day and most days I can convince myself that everything is going to be okay, but I do have days where I freak out and don't know if I can handle growing up. I know I will, because obviously I have no choice. ;)
Anyway, this "random thought" all came to me because with Harry Potter ending and all those actors and actresses moving on to bigger and better things I realize that it's my time to move on as well to bigger and better things. 
I hope you enjoyed my little rant and if you feel the same way I do know you're not alone. I feel alone a lot because it doesn't seem like a common thought but I know more people feel this way. So I'll come out and express my worries and hopefully you can be comforted by them. :)

Friday, July 1, 2011


Random thought for the day:
So, I was on Facebook checking out my newsfeed like normal and see that someone is totally pregnant. I don't really talk to the person, like most of the people I have on my list, but I was still shocked to see that she was basically due within the next couple months and I just found out now. Anywho, that got me to thinking how crazy it would be to be a guy and see that a girl you didn't for like a year or whatever is now pregnant. In all honesty, I would be like whee and be relieved that it wasn't me at this age. Not that I have anything wrong with people that have kids at a young age, it is just not for me. I am very, very self-centered and can not imagine have a child until I am older. This was all just a random thought that I had today, I have many everyday. :)
Oh, I'm also going to start leaving a "tag line" (I think that's the word for it :/) at the end of my posts...I've got the idea from a video that Cody watches. It's a Russian guy who talks about guns and at the end of ALL his videos he says in his Russian accent, "And as always have nice day," and I totally want to do something like I am. haha

And as always, love the little things in life.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Just another day.

So I didn't get a chance to blog about my events yesterday [Friday] so here it is.  Cody got a tattoo, which is very cool and I really like it. I'll post a photo down below. It's funny whenever Cody get a new tattoo [ he's now got five ] I always get asked, "Oh, so are you going to get one?" or something along those lines.  I believe I will, I just don't feel ready for one. I want one with a lot of meaning and feel I need to deserve to get it, meaning I need to prove I deserve be associated with its meaning. I want a lotus flower, which is very spiritual and recognizes going through a tough time and coming out strong and shining brightly afterwards.  It's very nice. :)  Anyway, that took up most of my Friday. I hung out with Ashley and we had a little mini movie night and watched She's the Man [ awesome movie ] and it was a lot of fun!

Today, or well yesterday too I guess since it's now Sunday, I didn't have much going on. I had to wake up to take my Biology test at school. I really hope I did well, it was a tough unit. Then I just sort of chilled around the house and hung out with Cody.  We then went out to dinner with Brad, followed by kmart with him and Jen. Again, I had a fun night.

Tomorrow, or today [haha] the only thing I've got planned is going shopping at Gurnee Mills with Jen, while Cody & Brad go paintballing. So sounds like another fun day.  Three fun filled days, that sounds like the definition of summer to me. :D

That's Cody's tattoo. Cool, right?

Friday, June 24, 2011

New Beginning.

So I was thinking last night while I was bored that I wanted to start a blog. I don't really know why, though. I've just got the urge to ramble about my life. It might not be interesting, but it's stuff everyone encounters and can relate to. I'll probably just be talking about what I did that day, books I read, tv shows or movies I saw, etc. I guess this is going to be kind of like an online journal. Anywho, that's all I've got for the first post until something happens today..which it should because I'm going with Cody to get another tattoo. I shall blog about it then. :)